Leading in mergers, acquisitions, tech deals, and guiding startups to success.
We are counselors in business law.
LEGAL SERVICESWe Provide Counsel and Insight in the Following Areas
PUBLICATIONSNavigating Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and Smart Contracts: Legal Issues in An International Setting.
The International Law Section (ILS) Events. The State Bar of Texas.
DEC 11, 2023
February 3, 2025
M&A Outlook for 2025
Following two weak years of mergers and acquisitions activity, 2024 saw an uptick in M&A dealmaking. According to Pitchbook, Global M&A activity increased by 14% in count and 19% in value year on year in 2024. Deal activity in the United States saw a rebound during the year. Anecdotally, some deal professionals indicate that certain...
December 12, 2023
Navigating Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and Smart Contracts: Legal Issues in An International Setting.
The International Law Section (ILS) of Texas hosts various events for its members, including: CLE Events: These events, held both online and in-person, offer networking and educational opportunities, focusing on international law. Annual Institute: This flagship event gathers international law experts to discuss the latest developments. Attendees can earn up to 10 hours of CLE...
September 15, 2023
ILS: Digital Healthcare in a COVID-19 World
We live in a new world. With the uncertainty of the current COVID 19 crisis, how we interact has completely changed as a result of social distancing. For the foreseeable future, direct in-person interactions will be few and far between. To protect both the patient and our healthcare system, the administration of non-essential healthcare services...